
Урок англійської мови – захист колективного проекту
 у 11 класі
з використанням програмно – методичного комплексу навчального призначення «Англійська мова. 11 клас», додаткового НМК «New Opportunities»,
 на тему «Університети Старого та Нового світу»

Мета уроку:
o   вчити учнів проектній діяльності, самостійно визначати проблеми, ставити задачі, вчити проводити дослідницький пошук ( добирати необхідну інформацію) та оформлювати кінцеві результати
o   тренувати учнів сприймати на слух інформацію та вилучати потрібну інформацію
o   тренувати учнів у вживанні умовних речень
o   тренувати учнів виконувати тести на доповнення тексту (підготовка до ЗНО)
o   розвивати навички монологічного мовлення, аудіювання, логічне мислення
o   розвивати пізнавальний інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, до оточуючого світу, до життя студентів в інших країнах
o   розширювати світогляд учнів
o   розвивати вміння працювати з інформацією, медіа та комп’ютерні навички
o   виховувати старанність, відповідальне ставлення до навчання, поважне ставлення до однокласників
Обладнання :
Комп’ютер, мультимедійний проектор,відеоматеріали, презентації, публікації, брошури, картки з завданнями, підручники: О.Карп’юк “English”, 11 та М.Гарріс “Opportunities

План уроку.
                    I.            Організаційний момент. Вітання.
                  II.            Мовна зарядка.
                III.            Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
                IV.            Основна частина (захист колективного проекту).
1.      Повідомлення теми та результатів соціологічного опитування.
2.      Відкриття конференції, представлення учасників.
3.      Оксфордський університет – приклад університетів Старого світу.
4.      Що таке «Ліга Плюща»?
5.      Інформація про університети «Ліги Плюща»:
Ø  Гарвардський університет
Ø  Браунський університет
Ø  Колумбійський  університет
Ø  Йельський  університет
Ø  Прінстонський  університет
6.      Виконання практичної частини:
1)      аналіз представленого матеріалу згідно критеріїв (таблиця), оцінювання та висновок щодо найкращого місця навчання ;
2)      виконання тестового завдання по тексту Oxford University
                  V.            Заключна частина уроку.
1.      Домашнє завдання: підготувати розповідь про один з університетів України.
2.      Підсумок уроку. Оцінювання. Рефлексія.

Хід уроку.
I.                    Teacher: Good morning, dear students! Good morning, dear colleagues! How are you today? I’m really glad to see you.

II.                  Teacher: Today we are going to discuss the importance of choosing a higher educational establishment for all school-leavers. So, answer my questions. Have you chosen your future university? What university would you like to enter? What influences  your choice? (T-P1,P2, P3… )

III.                Teacher: Dear friends! We started our work on our collective project “The Universities of Old and New Worlds” two weeks ago. While working on the project you united into small groups, chose the topic, found necessary information, analyzed it and made their own conclusions. And the results of your work you’ll introduce at our conference today.  
1.      But first, we are going to present you the results of the investigation about the main points the school-leavers pay attention while choosing the place to continue their education. Now meet Anton Rudashko and Vladyslav Podgorodnyy. They will present you the result of their work.
P1: You know, we are school-leavers and it is high time for us to make a choice what higher educational establishment to enter. We’ve interested the criteria which are important for students of our class while entering universities.
P2: We made opinion poll and asked the polled the question: What is more important for you while choosing a university?
P1: You can see the results of the poll in this table. Also, we’ve shown the results of it on the diagram.
P2: According to our poll the most important item for our students is the place of location – 20%; the least important are famous graduates – 5%.     
2.      Teacher: Today we have the conference. Its theme is “The Universities of Old and New Worlds”. Now I want to introduce our speaker Julia Tolstik. So, Julia, you are welcome.
Speaker: Ladies and gentlemen! We all gathered here to take part in the conference the main question of which is to get information about universities of Old and New Worlds, because choosing the best place to study is very important for everybody now. First of all, I would like to introduce our honourable guests: they are the best teachers of the best school of Dnipropetrovsk.
Today the participants of our conference are representatives of the best universities of Old and New Worlds. They are ready to present you some pieces of information about their universities.
Teacher: Dear friends! While listening the information about the universities you have to fill in the table with the heard information. If you don’t catch anything, put the question mark. Get ready to answer the questions under the table.
name of the university
place of location
number of faculties
number of students
sport  activities
famous graduates
Oxford University

Harvard University

Brown University

Columbia University

Yale University

Princeton University

What univerWhat university would you choose if you had enough money and other opportunities for this? Why?
3.       Speaker: Now I want to introduce the representatives of Oxford University.                             They are Natalya Gusakova and Kate Bondarenko. Good luck! (video, presentation). Thank you very much.
(Додаток 1, 2 «Оксфорд»)
4.      Speaker: Igor Radevych is going to tell you about the universities the Ivy League. (presentation). Thank you.

5.      Speaker: Now meet Yana Ivaschenko and Anastasia Witkovska. They will tell you about Harvard University. (video, leaflets, video). Thank you so much!
§  Додаток 3, 4, 5 Гарвард
Ø  Speaker: Anna Rybak and Olga Davydova will tell you about Brown University. (presentation). Thank you.
Ø  Speaker: To your attention  Maryna Levshina and Vladyslava Ivinska offer some pieces of information about Columbia University. (video, publishing). Thanks a lot.
§  Додаток 7 Columbia University
Ø  Speaker: Now Lena Privalova and Anna Chepurchenko will tell you about Yale University. (video, information). Thank you.
§  Додаток 8 Йель
Ø  Speaker: And at last Yana Kolesnik and Anastasia Liulko are presenting their Princeton University. You are welcome. (presentation, publication).

Speaker: And it was the last information for this conference. I want to thank all the representatives of the universities for their very interesting and educational information.

6.      Teacher: Thanks a lot for such interesting information. And now it is high time for everybody to answer the questions: What university would you enter if you had enough opportunities and money? Why? You have 5 minutes.
2)      Teacher: And now your task is to do the test “Oxford University”. Read the text and fill in the gaps.

Task I.
Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
Oxford University
Oxford University, founded in 1214, is the oldest and the best university in Britain. Over 30 individual colleges (1) __________ , and each has become affiliated to the central university at different points in time from  the 13th century up to today. There is no “campus” as such, but you will find some very beautiful historic  that are used (2) ________ - the Bodlean Library, the Radcliffe Camera, the Sheldonain Theatre, the Ashmolean Museum in the centre of Oxford. The individual colleges are scattered (3) _______. Each college is protected by a high wall, which is entered through the porter’s lodge at the main gate. The only way to see what a college is like is to go inside a few.
There are walking tours of the colleges, and the open-top buses go on a continual tour round the town (with your ticket you can get on and off at will). Go on (4) _______ , then go round again getting on and off at those places and colleges that took your fancy.
The town Oxford stands (5) ________ , and the river is an important part of the university life, particularly in summer time. The Oxford University Boat Race crew  trains here in winter and in summer, when the less serious and more spectacular Summer Eights (6) _______ .
affiliated приєднаний                lodge – будиночок          fancy – уява          crew – екіпаж судна
·         A   with many people from around the world
·         B   take place
·         C   one complete tour to get a general impression
·         D   by all the colleges
·         E   on the River Cherwell
·         F   of the many varieties
·         G   around the centre as well
·         H   make up the university

V.                 1. Teacher: Well, that’s enough. Now open your daybooks and write down your home task. Your task is to find information about any Ukrainian university you want.
2.Teacher: I have got only two questions for you. Do you like our lesson?
                           What did you like best of all?
                           Teacher: I want to thank everybody for your participating in our lesson.

                           Of course, I give you excellent marks. And now the lesson is over. Good bye!

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